Guns 'N Petals
An Izou Zine
A zine dedicated to the 16th commander of the Whitebeard pirates and member of the Akazaya Nine.

Timeline for the Zine [subject to change]
Applications Open: June 22nd
Applications Closed: July 22nd
Emails sent between: July 23rd - 28th
Acceptance Deadline: August 1st
Pitches Due: August 8th
1st Check In: September 8th
2nd Check In: October 8th
3rd Check In: November 8th
Finals Due: November 16th
Preorders: December 1st

Meet The Team
Meet The Team!
Head Mod/ Art Mod
Tumblr +Twitter +Insta
Why do you like Izou?: How can you not like him UGH I. UGHHHH istg Im making this out of spite but UGH HE'S ONE OF MY HUSBANDS HOW DARE HE D-
Writing Mod
AO3 +Twitter
Why do you like Izou?: He's got a sick back tat and a rad little sister and also has great hair.
Socials Mod
Why do you like Izou?: -Is emotions- I love the WBP and Izou is so wounderful and sassy <3 he's such a fun character. -holds minor characters gently-
Graphics Mod
[RenaRowny] Renn
Why do you like Izou?: There's just something special about him. Perhaps it's his calming voice, his cool fighting style or maybe it's simply his incredible sense of fashion!
Format Mod
Why do you like Izou?: How can you not like him??

General Requirements:
+ Must be 18+ to apply
+ No former zine experience required
+ You must either have or be willing to create a Discord as this is how we will be organizing and communicate about the zine
+ Replying the messages and dms and are easy to reach within Zine creation periodWriter Requirements:
+ Submit between 3 - 5 SFW sample pieces that best showcase your abilities
+ Demonstrated ability to tell an engaging story within 1000 words (can be an excerpt from longer works)
+ Good grasp of grammar, diction, and English vocabulary
+ It is preferred that at least one sample be One Piece
+Must be able to complete the piece by the deadlineArtist Requirements:
+ Submit 3 - 5 SFW character focused sample pieces
+ Demonstrated ability to work in color, backgrounds are encouraged
+ Prior experience in zines is not necessary
+ Must be able to complete the piece by the deadlineCosplay Requirements:
+ Submit high quality photos of 2 - 5 examples of previous cosplay photos, preferably with an online portfolio or socials. They DO NOT have to be One Piece related!
+ Prior experience in zines is not necessary
+ Must be able to complete the piece by the deadlineSpecs
We are looking for:
5 Writers [1000 words per fic]
10 Artists
5 Spot illustrators
5 Merch artists
2 CosplayersAiming for 80 pages of content.
A5 format size.
All pieces will be safe for work.

Open from the 22nd of June until the 22nd of July
Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting! We are excited to see your contributions!Writer Application Form
Artist Application Form
Merch Artist Application Form
Cosplay Application Form